Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brazilians and the Average Girl

Ahhh the infamous brazilian bikini wax, feared by some and pursued by others. It's one of those experiences that seperates the girls from the women. I've been on both side the recieving end as well as the giving end. Both can be awkward let me tell you. When you're getting a brazilian wax you're pretty much out there, completley exposed and at the mercy of one woman and a pot of hot wax. On the other hand when you're giving a brazilian you're basically inflicting pain on a person and they will most likely remember you as a sick wax wielding sadist.

Every person is different but "first timers"  can be the hardest people to win over.They are anxious and skittish and ready to run out the door before you even touch them. With the "first timer" I know I'm in for a bumpy ride. They usually have a horrible misconception of what is going to happen (kind of like the lady that actually thought she could text while i performed the wax yeah right) which creates anxiety and stress and the more anxious and stressed a person is the harder it is for me to do my job. My best advice to those first timers is pop a couple of advil or tylenol,take a shower, wear loose comfortable clothing, and schedule your appointment early on a Saturday morning. This way you show up to your appointment clean and you can get it over with early and not have to worry about it all day. Depending on your wax specialists technique a combination of strip wax and hard wax will be used. Strip wax is applied as a warm thin layer that is removed with a wax strip. It adheres to the hair as well as the skin and is not used over the same area repeatedly. Strip wax is usually used on the upper portion and sides. Hard wax is applied slightly thicker than strip wax and it is not neccessary to use a wax strip to remove and it is used on the lower portions as well as the backside. Also don't be afraid to ask your wax specialist questions before, after and during your waxing. This will help ease any anxiety you may feel as well as ease the embrassment or awkwardness you may experience during the session. I actually enjoy having a dialogue with clients it helps to diffuse the weirdness of the situation as well as establish trust and comfort.

Hopefully after the intial first experience you will find brazilian waxing more tolerable. If not you should highly consider one of two things. 1. Maybe brazilians aren't for you. Just like some people can't give blood because they have a fear of needles maybe the brazilina experience is just not cut out for you. 2. Your wax specialist is not working out for you. I always feel there should be an honest dialogue that occurs with client and specialist espcially since a service is being performed. If you find that your wax specialist is insensitive to your concerns, not adequate at answering your questions or explaining the process to you maybe you should cut your losses and find another person to perform your brazilian. It is already an uncomfortable area to have waxed a person that is cold and uninviting performing your wax makes it even worse.

Overall it's not a complete bad thing and although I have had my bad experiences, which would include me getting kicked at , yelled at , cursed at , and having a person cry on my table, the results were worth the pain. So I hope everyone gives the brazilian bikini wax a chance and the next time you go for your brazilian be considerate to the person that is giving you your wax. It will make the experience a whole hell of a lot better. xoxo K

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